I am sharing my journey in hopes that it may help someone else who is in the same conflict. It has been a long, sometimes beautiful, and yes, a painful one, especially for someone who thought they were pretty tuned in to life in general. If my journey can help one person, then I am successful in my intentions.

I have always thought and believed that everything truly does happen for a reason. Doors open, opportunities present themselves, lessons are learned, doors are closed, and new doors open and close again.

There are reasons and seasons in everything and everyone that enters our lives. Sometimes, we forget to pay attention and that’s when we get derailed. When we take ourselves out of the noise, it is only then we can start to hear the quiet guidance again.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we all get overwhelmed by sights, sounds, feelings, and “stuff”

Sometimes, it’s hard to ask for the help we need, because we don’t want to be seen as weak, or needy, and face it, sometimes we just don’t have a clue where to go, or who to ask…….even with technology, you can’t always “just Google it“.

The important thing to know is you are not alone in these feelings. Most, if not all of us go through traumatic experiences in life and are able to cope to a certain extent. Gaslighting, narcissism (covert and overt), trauma (physical, verbal, and emotional), depression, anxiety, illnesses under the umbrella of PTSD, as well as mental, emotional, verbal, physical, and financial abuse, is very real.

Gradually some of these thoughts get overridden by other things in life, they go down into a hidden corner and are all but forgotten. One day, a totally unrelated situation hits that corner, and the results can be devastating. How do I know this? Because it happened to me, and it can happen to anyone.

I hope that by sharing my journey and my recovery that I can help your search through your soul, and by reaching out, using some of these tools, I can help you in your journey. 

I don’t by any means have all the answers, or all of the questions for that matter 🙂

Strength truly comes through understanding ourselves, and not being afraid to reach out for help when we need it most………

My hope is by sharing what I have learned, I can take you to places that you might not know, and from there you may continue and pass along your knowledge as well.

The four most common types/modes of response to a Trauma are:





The next four Blogs will address some of the signs and symptoms you might be experiencing.